By Studing the Physical growth of 80 adolescent girls for four and a half Years, it is demonstrated that the average height and weight at menarche Were 155.5 cm and 43,0 kg; and the mean increment of height and Weight from menarehe till the end of the observation were 4.14 cm and 6.05kg respectively·Then, both of the measurments of the girls aged 16.5-17.0y ears had almost reached the level of that of 20 years ohl girls·After menarche, the annaul increments of eight and weight diminished gradually, and between 16 and 17 years of age, the increment of height was below 1 cm.The author put out that extent of fusion of distal Phalanges Ⅱ, Ⅲ at menarche could provide more information in Predicting Postmenarcheal height growth than chronological and skeletal ages do·The Paper presented a diagram for predicting the Potentity of height growth according to the condition of fusion of distal phalanges Ⅱ and Ⅲ.
Chinese Journal of School Health