

Investigation on body morphology and physical functions of female faculty aged 30-40 years in Northeast Dianli University
摘要 目的探讨目前东北电力大学30~40岁女教工的身体形态和机能水平,为下一步将要进行的关于肥胖人群进行运动减肥的研究奠定基础。方法随机抽取东北电力大学30~40岁女教工100名,使用符合国家标准的各种测量仪器,按照国际标准,由同一专业人员,对反映体质健康的身体形态、机能指标进行测试,应用A°strand的列线图法间接测定每个受试者的VO2max。对所得的数据进行统计学上的分析和处理。结果东北电力大学30~40岁女教工身体形态指标不同程度的超出了正常标准范围,身体机能指标处于中等低下水平。结论目前东北电力大学30~40岁女教工体质有肥胖趋势,应引起警惕。 Objective To explore the body constitution of female faculty aged 30-40 years in Northeast Dianli University and thus to lay a foundation for the further research on the methods for fat people to lose weight. Methods A total of 100 female teachers aged 30-40 years in Northeast Dianli University were selected at random and investigated with various instruments by the same researcher in accordance with the international rule. The VO2max of every subject was obtained by A°strand diagramming method indirectly. All the indexes obtained were statistically processed and analyzed. Results The indexes of body morphology all exceeded the normal standards of physical fitness measurement and the indexes of physical functions were below the middling level. Conclusions There is a tendency of obesity of female faculty aged 30-40 years in Northeast Dianli University and we should be vigilant about the issue and take some suitable interventions.
出处 《中国校医》 2014年第4期250-251,253,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
基金 吉林省教育厅基金资助课题(2008259)
关键词 全体教工 院校 女性 体质 运动负荷试验 Faculty Female Body Constitution Exercise Test
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