目的了解常州市青少年健康危险行为流行现状中网络使用情况、网络成瘾状况,为各级卫生、教育部门制定相关预防、干预措施提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法对常州市17所大、中学校3 645名学生用"中国青少年健康危险行为调查问卷"进行问卷调查。结果被调查学生中,24.9%的学生长时间玩电子游戏,男生报告率大于女生,职中报告率大于其他类别学校(P<0.001);32.4%的学生长时间上网,网络成瘾发生率4.6%,男女生没有明显差异;职中报告率大于其他类别学校(P<0.001);上网目的排在前5位的依次是:聊天(66.91%)、多媒体娱乐(53.10%)、查阅学习资料(47.84%)、玩游戏(42.36%)、浏览新闻(37.05%)。结论青少年学生长时间上网、玩电子游戏、网络成瘾发生率较以往数据有明显增加,教育、卫生等部门要采取措施积极干预,动员全社会力量,形成家庭-学校-社会多元化的引导体系,帮助学生健康合理地使用网络,促进学生身心健康。
Objective To understand the prevalence of the network usage and internet addiction among adolescents in Changzhou City, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the relevant preventive interventions. Methods A total of 3 645 students of 17 universities and middle schools were selected with the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method and investigated with 'China Youth Health Risk Behaviors Questionnaire'. Results There were 24.9% of the students playing video games for a long time, and the ratio was higher in the boys than in the girls and the ratio was higher in the vocational high school students than in other school students(all P < 0.001). There were 32.4% of the students surfing the Internet for a long time, and the ratio of internet addiction students was 4.6%, and there was no significant difference between the boys and girls, but the ratio of internet addiction was highest in the vocational high school students(P <0.001). The aims of online were chatting(66.91%), multimedia entertainment(53.10%), learning materials(47.84%), playing games(42.36%) and browsing news(37.05%). Conclusion The ratios of long time online, playing games, and internet addiction were higher compared with the previous investigation results. Therefore, the authorities of education, health and other departments should enhance the active prevention interventions, and form a family-school-social diversity boot system to help the students having a healthy and rational usage of the network.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor