目的收集河南省2014年疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)报告情况,分析其特征,用于评价河南省AEFI监测系统敏感性、国家免疫规划(NIP)所用疫苗的安全性以及预防接种服务质量。方法对中国免疫规划监测信息管理系统中河南省2014年报告的AEFI个案数据进行收集,采用描述性方法对相关指标进行流行病学分析。结果河南省2014年共报告AEFI个案5 114例,报告发生率10.91/10万,男性为2 944例,占57.57%;1岁以下患儿为2 348例,占报告总数的45.91%;4—9月是AEFI报告较多的月份,其中8月份报告最多;郑州、开封、洛阳等16个省辖市每个月均报告了AEFI病例;涉及到的疫苗分别为百白破(无细胞)1471例、含麻807例、乙脑(减毒)594例,绝大多数AEFI病例预后良好。结论全省AEFI异常反应主要发生在1岁以下小年龄组儿童,涉及疫苗主要为百白破(无细胞)疫苗,预防接种服务人员和儿童监护人应密切关注。
Objective To understand the characteristics of adverse events following immunization(AEFI), so as to evaluate the sensitivity of surveillance system, the safety of vaccines covered by national immunization program(NIP), and the quality of immunization services. Methods The data reported from Jan 1, 2014 t o Dec 31, 2014 were collected through the China Information System for NIP Surveillance and analyzed with the epidemiologic descriptive method. Results There were 5 114 cases of AEFI reported in 2014, with an incidence of 10.91/ 105. There were 2 944 male cases(57.57%) and 2348 infants aged below 1 year(45.91%). The peak time of AEFI reports was from April to September, and August had the most reported cases. Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang and other 16 provincial cities reported AEFI cases every month. There were 1 471 AEFI cases being related to DPT vaccination, 807 to measles vaccination, and 594 to live attenuated JE vaccination, and most of AEFI cases had good prognosis. Conclusion AEFI occurs mostly to young children and mainly relates to DPT vaccination. Therefore, young children should be the focus of AEFI surveillance.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor
Vaccines/adverse effects
Vaccination/adverse effects
Public Health Surveillance.