测量了黑龙江水域比较有代表性的两个银鲫种群——方正银鲫和扎龙湖银鲫的染色体数量和精子密度 ,以及精子在天然水体中的泳动能力、精子的寿命、精子头部的直径和体积 ,结果表明 ,两种银鲫的遗传基础截然不同 ,方正银鲫的体细胞具有 15 0±条染色体 ,扎龙湖银鲫的体细胞具有 10 0条染色体 ;其精子的直径、体积和精子密度也反映了这一点 ,方正银鲫精子头部的直径平均为 2 .81︼m,体积平均为 11.83︼m3,尾长为 4 5 .2 6 ︼m;扎龙湖银鲫精子头部直径平均为 2 .34︼m,体积平均为 6 .83︼m3,尾长为 38.39︼m;方正银鲫的精子密度为 0 .5 7× 10 1 0 / m L~ 0 .90× 10 1 0 / m L,平均为 0 .73× 10 1 0 / m L;扎龙湖银鲫为 0 .94× 10 1 0 / m L~ 1.70× 10 1 0 / m L,平均为 1.38× 10 1 0 / m L。其他测量内容没有明显的区别 ,方正银鲫和扎龙湖银鲫精子的泳动能力分别为 4 9.16 s和 4 9.15 s,寿命分别为 3min2 4 s和 3m in16 s,两个群体之间的差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 )。两种鲫鱼的授精力没有明显的区域。本项研究进一步证明方正县双丰水库具有 15 0±条染色体的银鲫 ,其雄性具有正常的性别发育和生产精液的能力 ,所产生的精子与倍性正常的鱼类的精子在形态结构、泳动能力和受精能力等方面没有明显的区别?
Chromosomal analysis indicated that the chromosome number of the crucian carp from the Fangzheng county reservoir was 150±,and that of the crucian carp from the lake of Zhalong was about 100.The concentration of sperm of crucian carp carp from the restervoir was 0.57×10 10 -0.90×10 10 spermatozoa/mL,for the fish from lake Zhalong was 0.94×10 10 -1.70×10 10 spermatozoa/mL;The sperm motilities of the crucian carps of Fangzheng and Zhalong lake were 204 seconds and 196 seconds respectively;the fast movements of the two populations were 49.16 seconds and 49.15 seconds respectively;the spermatozoa of crucian carp from the Fangzheng reservoir had a diameter of 2.81 μm,a volume of 11.83 μm 3 and a tail length of 45.26 μm;the spermatozoa of the other one was 2.34 μm,6.83 μm 3 and 38.93 μm respectively.These results indicated that the crucian carp from the Fangzheng reservoir was diploid population with a chromosome number of 150± and the population was undergoing the process of diploidization from a triploidy or a hexaploidy population.
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
crucian carp
density of spermatozoa
volume of spermatozoa
movement of sperm