准噶尔地区早石炭世早期地层分布于西准噶尔的和布克河中游、额敏以北、白杨镇北、和什托洛盖及沙尔布尔提山东端和东准噶尔的三塘湖和苏海图等地。 1979年新疆区调队二分队根据乌尔禾地区地层资料,创建和布克河组。命名剖面位于和布克赛尔县和布克河中游东岸。为一套浅海相碎屑岩,不整合在上泥盆统朱鲁木特组之上,其上未见顶,含大量腕足、珊瑚及三叶虫化石,厚255米至1744米。
A geological section was studied by the first Regional Geological Serveying Party on the eest bank of the middle reaches of the Hobok River. The strati-graphic sequence and brachiopodous fossil assemblages have been correlated and compared with those of the Upper Devonian and the Lower Carboniferous both at home and abroad by the author. Conclusion is that the lower boundary of the Lower Carboniferous must be at the bottom of Hobokhe Fm.
Xinjiang Geology