

The Establishment of Roman Law Education in China:Analysis Starting with Chen Yun and Ying Shi’s Roman Law
摘要 在20世纪20年代,朝阳大学分别出版两种罗马法教材讲义及应时述、林鸿勋疏的《罗马法》(朝阳大学法律科讲义),这些罗马法教科书与黄右昌于1915、1918年出版的《罗马法》一样,对罗马法教育在中国的早期展开有着特别重要的意义。至1931年3月,陈允、应时合著的《罗马法》在上海商务印书馆出版。该书与1933年4月由丘汉平著述的《罗马法》(上海法学编译社出版)、1934年9月王去非的《罗马法要义》(上海法学书局出版)、金兰荪编著的1936年出版的《罗马法》(上册)和陈朝壁于1937年7月,由商务印书馆初版的《罗马法原理》等书一起,构成了黄右昌《罗马法与现代》(1930年版)以来,中国第一个罗马法研究的学术高峰。此后,'战乱频仍,祸患联结,罗马法研究遂成绝响'。由于年代久远,资料搜集有限,有必要通过一些相关的文本资料,为近代中国罗马法教育开创事业,提供一个可以描述的'想象空间'。基于此,根据知见的应时《德诗汉译》一书的自序文字,再以社会关系网络的建立为视角,讲述陈允、应时等带有'随机性和偶然性'而'走入法律之途'的学术个案,或许也是解读罗马法在中国的一种可能方式。 From the 20’s of the twentieth century,Chaoyang University published two Roman Law textbook narrated by Ying Shi and commented by Lin Hongxun,together with Huang Youchangs Roman Law textbook,contributed to the early stage of Roman Law education in China.As to March of 1931,Chen Yun and Ying shi published Roman Law by Shanghai Commerical Press.This book with Roman Law by Qiu Hanping in April 1933(published by Shanghai Legal editing and translating Press),Essence of Roman Law by Wang Qufei in September 1934(published by Shanghai Legal Press),Roman Law by Jin Lansun in 1936,and The Principles of Roman Law by Chen Chaobi in July 1937(published by Shanghai Commerican Press)formed the summit of Roman Law research in China since the publication of Huang Youchang’s Roman Law textbook.After that,Roman Law research declined because of the wars.Because of the years clasped and limited resources,it is necessary to collect materials and make a summarization to describe an imagination for Roman Law education.Thus it could be feasible and helpful to conduct case study on Ying Shi’s Preface of Chinese Translation of German Poems and the social network of Chen Yun and Yingshi and their"accidental entry of legal research"for us to interpret Roman Law in China.
作者 程波 Cheng Bo
机构地区 湘潭大学法学院
出处 《湘江法律评论》 2014年第1期213-232,共20页
基金 国家社科基金项目“中国近代法理学史研究”(13BFX019)的成果
关键词 罗马法教育 罗马法教科书 社会关系网络 Roman Law Education Textbook of Roman Law Social Network
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