
中小学教师ICT能力标准的制定与实施——基于五个发达国家的异同比较 被引量:10

Formulation and Implementation of ICT Competency Standards for Primary and Middle School Teachers——Based on the Comparison of Similarities and Differences among Five Developed Countries
摘要 中小学教师信息和通讯技术(Information and Communication Technology,ICT)能力是影响基础教育信息化顺利开展的一个重要因素,受到了各国的高度重视。为此,文章选取五个发达国家——澳大利亚、韩国、日本、新西兰、新加坡的中小学教师ICT能力标准,使用联合国教科文组织发布的国家教师ICT能力标准分析框架,从六个维度对其制定与实施情况进行了描述,并比较了其异同。在此基础上,文章详细分析了五个发达国家中小学教师ICT能力标准的制定与实施对我国的启示。中小教师ICT能力标准的制定与实施,对于信息时代教师的专业发展和基础教育信息化的顺利推进至关重要。 Information and communication technology(ICT) competency of primary and middle school teachers is one of important factors affecting the smooth development of basic education informatization, which has been highly valued by various countries. Thus, this paper selected ICT competency standards in five countries including Australia, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore, described the formulation and implementation situations of ICT competency standards in these countries from six dimensions, and further compared their similarities and differences using the analytical framework of National ICT competency standards for teachers published by United Nations Educational,Scientific, and Cultural Organization(UNESCO). Moreover, the enlightenment of formulating and implementing ICT competence standards for primary and middle school teachers in these five developed countries to our country was analyzed in detail. The formulation and implementation of ICT competence standards for primary and middle school teachers were crucial to teachers’ professional development and the smooth implementation of basic education informatization in the information age.
作者 白雪梅 顾小清 BAI Xue-mei;GU Xiao-qing(Department of Educational Information Technology,East China Normal University,Shanghai,China 200062)
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期65-70,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 2016年国家社科教育学重点课题"我国与发达国家的教育信息化比较和推进战略研究"(项目编号:ACA160012)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 ICT能力标准 中小学教师 教师专业发展 评估与识别体系 ICT competency standards primary and middle school teachers teachers’professional development assessment and identification system
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