研究沉淀法白炭黑ZC-120M P在低滚动阻力全钢载重子午线轮胎胎面胶中的应用。结果表明,白炭黑ZC-120M P具有较大的粒径和较高的结构,替代常用白炭黑用于全钢子午线轮胎胎面基部胶中补强效果良好,胶料的加工性能和弹性好、生热低,成品轮胎的滚动阻力降低、耐久性能提高。
The precipitated silica ZC-120 MP possessed large particle size and high structure. It was applied in the tread compound of low rolling resistance TBR tire in this study. The experimental testing results showed that in the tread compound of low rolling resistance TBR tire in this study. The experimental testing results showed that silica ZC-120 MP provided better reinforcement than regular carbon black. The tread base compound with silica ZC-120 MP showed good processing properties, high resilience, and low heat build-up. The rolling resistance of the ZC-120 MP showed good processing properties, high resilience, and low heat build-up. The rolling resistance of the fi nished tire with silica ZC-120 MP fi lled tread base compound decreased and the tire durability was improved.
Rubber Science and Technology