
明清以来曲学共同体之流变——以吴江沈、叶姻族与杭州陈氏家族为考察中心 被引量:1

Changes in the Community of Xiqu Studies since the Ming and Qing Dynasties
摘要 自明代万历以后,以南曲(主要包括传奇与南杂剧)为创作与研究对象的曲学界形成了曲学研究共同体。曲学共同体自身存在着一个兴衰呈递的流变过程,其演进过程所呈现出的不同特质可以从传奇兴盛时期与消亡时期两个有代表性的曲学家族——吴江沈叶姻族与杭州陈氏家族身上得到集中体现。兴盛时期的吴江沈氏曲学家族与江南世家大族以联姻的方式形成曲学文化圈,左右着江南曲学的发展。消亡时期的陈氏曲学家族严格意义上是家庭曲学形态,其家族成员关注戏曲热度的下降,以血缘为维系纽带的传统文人群体在传奇发展中的影响力日趋减弱,出现了传统向现代转化的过渡特质。曲学共同体演进中这种过渡性特征表现在组织形态日趋严密化、地域中心推移及曲学观念承变上。组织形态由相互协作、结构松散到隶属明显、层级分明,地域中心从传统的吴中转移至上海,曲学观念既坚守格律又不受其束缚、既崇尚本色雅正又重视才情,最终达于至情至理的最高理想。凡此种种,无不显示出从传统向现代转化的过渡性。 After the Reign of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, a community of Xiqu Studies was formed focusing on playwriting and research into nanqu( romance and southern zaju). The evolutionary characteristics in the rise and fall of this community are reflected in two representative families of Xiqu Studies – the extended Shen family of Wujiang and the Chen family of Hangzhou. During the prosperous period, the Shen family dominated the Xiqu Studies in regions south of the Yangtze River through marital links with the grand households of aristocratic families. In the declining period, the Chen family appeared to be a household of Xiqu Studies in a strict sense. With the family members losing interest in Xiqu, the traditional scholarly community bound by family relations became gradually less influential. Some transitional signs between tradition and the modern form can been seen in that period of time.The transitional characteristics in the evolution of the communities of Xiqu Studies are demonstrated in their increasingly strict organization, their shift of regional centers, and the evolution of Xiqu notions. A loose, cooperative structure was superseded by a hierarchical structure. The central region of the community moved from wuzhong( Suzhou) to Shanghai. The updated Xiqu notions followed the tonal patterns and rhyming schemes but allowed certain freedom;they upheld the unaffected nature, but also valued talents, so as to reach the ideal of supreme truth and humanity. Those changes are signs of a transformation from tradition to modernity.
作者 王辉 Wang Hui
出处 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期142-152,160,共12页 Theatre Arts
关键词 曲学共同体 曲学家族 曲学观念承变 过渡性 community of Xiqu studies family of Xiqu studies evolution of ideas in Xiqu studies transition
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