钙粘附蛋白是一组钙离子依赖性的跨膜糖蛋白 ,是组织特异性的细胞间连接分子 ,在组织分化及维持组织完整性中起重要作用。钙粘附蛋白家族的异常表达或缺失是肿瘤发生和发展的因素之一 ,该文着重对钙粘附蛋白家族在某些妇科肿瘤的发生。
Cadherins are a group of calcium dependent transmembrane glycoproteins and tissue specific intercellular adhesion molecules, which play important roles in tissue differentiation and maintenance of tissue integrity . Abnormal expressions or deletions of cadherins'family members are associated with genesis and development of tumor. In this article ,we summarized current progress in the study on cadherins' roles in genesis, metastasis and prognosis of gynecologic tumors.
Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Maternal and Child Health)