目的:评价青光眼视野缺损计分方法的有效性和可靠性。 方法:采用AGIS(Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study)研究组推荐的计分方法并稍加改动对91例(91眼)青光眼患者的视野进行计分,分析视野缺损计分值与C/D比、平均缺损(mean defect,MD)值及缺失方差(loss variance,LV)值的关系和相关性。 结果:视野缺损计分值越大,C/D比、MD值及LV值亦越大,视野缺损计分值与C/D比呈明显的正相关(r=0.8712),其相关系数大于MD值和LV值与C/D比的相关系数。 结论:视野缺损计分法较视野指数能更准确地反映青光眼视神经损害情况,能对青光眼视野损害的程度进行量化表达。眼科学报 2003;19:218-220。
Purpose : To evaluate the validity and reliability of visual field defect scoring method in glaucoma.
Methods: The visual field defects of 91 glaucoma cases (91 eyes) were scored with the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) modified scoring method, and analyzed the relation and correlation between the score and cup/disk ratio, mean defect (MD) and loss variance (LV).
Results: The larger the score was, the larger the cup/disk ratio, MD and LV were. The significant positive correlation was found between the score and the cup/disk ratio ( r = 0.8712), and the correlation coefficient was larger than that of between the MD, LV and cup/disk ratio.
Conclusion: The visual field defect score could more accurately reflect the situation of glaucomatous optic nerve damage than visual field indices, and could quantify the visual field damage extent in glaucoma. Eye Science 2003;19:218-220.