

Clinical analysis of 120 cases with eye injuries
摘要 目的 :报告 12 0例眼损伤的部位、原因、临床诊断及治疗结果。方法 :回顾分析 12 0例眼损伤的临床资料 ,其中男 97例 ,女 2 3例 ,右眼 6 1例 ,左眼 4 7例 ,双眼 12例。眼睑裂伤合并泪小管断裂 11眼 ;结角膜化学伤 11眼 ;结角膜热灼伤 3眼 ;下直肌断离 1眼 ;角巩膜穿通伤、外伤性白内障、球内异物、球后异物等 5 5眼 ;撞伤性前房积血、虹膜根部离断、房角后退、晶体脱位等 4 1眼 ;眼球挫伤并发孔源性视网膜脱离 3眼 ;眶骨暴裂性骨折 3眼 ;视神经挫伤 4眼。结果 :复诊 3个月 ,泪小管断裂 10眼泪道通畅。 1眼拔管后阻塞。下直肌断裂复位后复视消失。其它各类眼外伤矫正视力 1.0以上 4 9眼 ,0 .6~ 0 .8者 2 6眼 ,0 .3~ 0 .5者 2 3眼 ,0 .0 5~ 0 .2 0者 12眼 ,指数 / 30cm 1眼 ,光感 3眼 ,光感消失 3眼 ,眼球摘除植入义眼座 3眼。结论 :眼损伤致盲率高 ,应引起高度重视 ,要以预防为主 ,发生眼损伤后及时就诊 ,努力保护和修复眼内组织 ,为复明创造条件 。 Objective:To report the positions, the causes, the clinical diagnosis , and the treatment outcome of eye injuries.Methods:The clinical data of 120 cases with eye injuries was reviewed retrospectively .Of 120 cases,there were 92 cases in male, 23 cases in female,61 cases in right eye,47 cases in left eye,12 cases in double eyes.Laceration of eyelid and lacrimal canals rupture was in 11 eyes, conjunctiva and cornea were injured by chemical in 11 eyes, conjunctiva and cornea were injured by heat in 3 eyes, inferior rectus break was in 1 eye, conjunctiva and cornea penetrating trauma, traumatic cataract, intraocular foreign body, foreign body behind the eyeball were in 55 eyes, traumatic hyphema, iridodialysis, angle recession, luxation of lens were in 41 eyes, contusion of eyeball combined retinal detachment was in 3 eyes, orbital bone blow fracture, optic nerve contusion were in 4 eyes. Result:After followed-up 3 months, lacrimal canals rupture of 10 eyes were cured, 1 eye was obstructed after removed the duct of implantation. Diplopia disappeared after replacement of the inferior rectus muscles, others′ correct vision was above 1.0 in 49 eyes, 0.6~0.8 in 26 eyes, 0.3~0.5 in 23 eyes, 0.05~0.2 in 12 eyes, FC/30cm in 1 eye, light perception in 3 eyes, light perception disappeared in 3 eyes, opthalmamectomy and ocular prosthesis implantation in 3 eyes.Conclusion: Eye injuries can induce blindness easily.Patients must pay enough attention to it and consult oculist immediately when eye injuries occurred, oculist should make great efforts to protect and resume intraocular tissues to increase the patients′ vision and reduce the blindness rate.
机构地区 威海市中医院
出处 《山东大学基础医学院学报》 2003年第6期362-364,共3页 Journal of Preclinical Medicine College of Shandong Medical University
关键词 眼损伤 临床特点 综合治疗 感染 人工晶体 Eye injuries Treatment outcome Case report
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