水、种、饵是八字精养法的三大物质基础 ,而饵料更是集约化、规模化养殖的重中之重 ,饵料费用一般占养殖总成本的 5 0 %以上 ,因此 ,如何解决饵料问题是养殖生产的关键问题之一。本文从饵料的配方、加工工艺、投喂技术和水环境因子等方面对影响饵料系数的因素进行了分析。
The water,fish species and the bait is three greatest materials to keep the method of breeding fish,the fish feed expenses generally share more than 50% of the total cost in fish producing,therefore how to resolve the animal feed problem is a key problem to produce.This paper analysises the factors of affecting animal feed coefficient from the animal feed formulation,producing craft,feeding technique and the water environment.