对辽南地区汉族群体的两个短串联重复(ShorttandemrepeatsSTR)基因座等位基因频率进行研究,得到辽南地区汉族群体PentaE和PentaD基因座的群体遗传学数据.EDTA抗凝血采自172名无血缘关系的汉族个体,采用Celex 100法抽提DNA,荧光标记PCR扩增,310型全自动测序仪电泳检测.得到了PentaE和PentaD基因座的等位基因频率,PentaE和PentaD基因座等位基因的杂合度分别为0.8846和0.8078;个人识别率分别为0.9782和0.9326.两个STR基因座具有较高的杂合度和个人识别能力,等位基因分布符合Hardy Weinberg平衡,是理想的遗传标记,可用于法医学个体识别和亲权鉴定.
To investigate the allele frequencies of two short tandem repeat (STR) loci: Penta E and Penta D in Han population province, DNA was extracted with chelex-100 from EDTA-blood samples of the unrelated individuals in Liaonan province marked with fluorescence and multiply amplified with PCR technique. The PCR product was analyzed with the ABI PRISMTM310 Genetic Analyzer. The results were obtained through genetical analysis. The authors got the number of allele of two loci. The heterozygosities of the Penta E and Penta D were 0.884 6,0.807 8;the discrimination powers were 0.978 2 and 0.932 6, The heterozygosities of the two loci are high and the frequencies are in good agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The two loci are good as genetic markers. We can use these loci in dividualidentification and partenity test in forensic area.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition