
产品空间位置、价格音节长度对消费者价格感知的影响 被引量:1

Location and Syllabic Length Interact on Consumers’ Price Magnitude Perception
摘要 本研究采用实验法考察了视听单通道及双通道下产品空间位置与价格音节长度对消费者价格感知的潜在影响。结果发现,呈现在空间右侧以及以较长音节播放的产品使得被试的价格感知升高;短音节条件下,个体对空间右侧产品的价格感知显著高于空间左侧,长音节条件下两侧则无显著差异;相对于单通道刺激呈现,视听通道呈现信息一致时出现信息冗余效应,个体判断的速度更快,验证了共激活模型假设,视听不一致条件下的速度降低则支持了预测编码模型。 Consumers cannot make rational purchase decisions based on their own needs,prices and characteristics of the products.They can only rely on their own subjective perception of the product to make judgments.Therefore,the subjective perception of prices by consumers plays an important role in the purchase decision(Han,2005).Previous studies have confirmed that the spatial position of product can affect individual’s numerical estimate(Cai,Shen,&Hui,2012),and the syllabic length of the price will influence the consumers’perceptions of its numerical magnitude(Coulter,Choi,&Monroe,2012).Above all,the present study is to test whether the location of product and the syllabic length of price can influence consumers’price magnitude perceptions.The present study included three experiments.In Experiment 1 a,participants were first presented with visual(the location of product;right/left)single-channel stimulus;In Experiment 1 b,participants were presented with auditory(the syllabic length of price;12 syllables/5 syllables)stimulus;In Experiment 2,participants were presented with the above stimuli simultaneously.Then they evaluated the product’s price on 10-point semantic differential scales anchored by'small'(0)and'large'(9)after stimulus or stimuli exposure immediately.There were 43 undergraduates in Experiment1 a,34 undergraduates in Experiment 1 b and 63 undergraduates in Experiment 3.All stimulations were presented by E-prime 2.0.Results showed that:(1)Experiment 1 confirmed that the spatial position and syllabic length of price could affect customers’judgement of the price.When the product was presented on the right side or its verbal price contained 12 syllables,customers’perceptive price was higher than that when the product was presented on the left side or 5-syllable price.(2)In Experiment 2,when visual and auditory stimuli were presented at the same time,there were significant interactions between the two.Specifically,when the 5-syllable price was played,the price perceived by the subject of the product presented on the right side was significantly higher than that on the left side.As for reaction time,when the 5-syllable price was played,the subjects’response time to the product presented on the right side was significantly longer than that when the product was presented on the left side,but the situation was the opposite under 12-syllable condition.Moreover,we associated the results of Experiment 1 with Experiment 2 for further analyses,the results revealed that the reaction time under inconsistent audio-visual information condition were slower than consistent condition and audio/visual condition.In addition,the reaction time under audio/visual condition were slower than consistent audio-visual information condition.These findings confirmed and extended previous results suggesting that both the location of product and the syllabic length of price could affect individual’s price perception.Moreover,number-location associations might be restricted by auditory stimulation.Furthermore,when the two stimuli had the same contents,they could emerge redundant signal effect.On contrary,if the two stimuli’contents were inconsistent,individual’s response would be hindered.
作者 官冬晓 雷云飞 司继伟 Guan Dongxiao;Lei Yunfei;Si Jiwei(School of Psychology,Shandong Normal University,Jinan,250358;School of Psychology,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,730070)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期695-701,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 山东省应用基础型名校工程建设应用心理学项目专项经费的资助
关键词 SNARC效应 听觉(言语)表征 价格感知 多通道刺激 SNARC effect auditory(verbal)representation price perception multi-channel stimulus
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