
中非双边投资条约:现状与前景 被引量:8

China-Africa BITs: Current Conditions and Future Prospects
摘要 中非双边投资条约的现状不利于需要国际法保护的中非投资。随着中非经济合作的主要范式由经济援助转变为贸易和投资,以及中国双边投资条约的转型和现代化,更新和缔结新的中非双边投资条约应成为中国政府非洲投资政策的重要内容。中非双边投资条约需要更为有效和平衡,尤其要考虑中国保护非洲投资的迫切需要以及非洲国家保护特殊利益的现实要求,最佳模式应是在南南合作理念的基础上平衡投资者利益与东道国规制空间。中非投资法律关系的区域化或多边化,也是双边投资条约之外的一条重要路径。 The status quo of China-Africa BITs is unfavorable for China-Africa investment which needs the protection of international law. With the major China-Africa cooperation paradigm shifting from economic aid to trade and investment and the transformation and modernization of China's BITs,renewing,and entering into new,China-Africa BITs should become an important part in China's policy for investment in Africa. China-Africa BITs should be more effective and better balanced and the urgent need to protect Chinese investors and their investments as well as the demand of African countries to protect their special interests should all receive special attention and consideration. It is argued that an ideal approach is to strike a balance between investors' interests and the regulatory space of the host states according to the rationalization of South-South Cooperation. It is suggested that regionalizing or multi-lateralizing China-Africa investment legal relationship is an important approach apart from China-Africa BITs.
作者 韩秀丽
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期48-57,共10页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"大国语境下中国海外投资者的社会责任研究--以非洲投资为考察对象"(20720140010) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划"中国在国际法院与法庭的实践--国际经济法角度"(NCET-11-0292)
关键词 中国 非洲 双边投资条约 南南合作 China,Africa,BITs,South-South Cooperation
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