
媒介功能泛化与中国特色社会主义新闻学发展 被引量:6

Generalization of Media Functions and Development of Socialist Journalism with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 随着媒体融合催生'平台媒体'的出现,媒介功能亦迅速泛化、转型。媒体融合不仅融多种媒体于一体,甚至打破新闻媒体与其他政府、行业等信息中心的界限,建立起跨媒体,乃至跨行业的融媒体中心,并把新闻传播、舆情监测、政策宣达、行政管理、公共服务、社区交互等多媒介功能和多种用途融于一体,向各类机构组织和公众提供多功能服务,担负起全方位资讯服务的'全媒体'角色。传统的新闻传播正迅速向资讯传播转变。因应这一趋势,对融媒体产业链的全链条管理已经提上日程,新闻传播人才的培养亦与资讯搜集、仓储、整理、分析、传播等各个环节全面对接。从新闻理论到新闻实践,中国特色社会主义新闻工作正在变得丰富而生动,中国特色社会主义新闻学亦初显形态,并呈现蓬勃发展态势。 As'platform media'has emerged with media convergence,media functions have been rapidly generalized and transformed.Media convergence not only integrates multiple media,but also breaks down the boundaries between news media and information centers,such as the government and industry.Media convergence establishes a cross-media and cross-industry convergent media center,and integrates multiple media functions and multiple purposes,such as news dissemination,public opinion monitoring,policy advocacy,administrative management,public services and community interaction.This converged media center provides multi-functional services for all types of organizations and the public,and assumes the role of'all-media'in the provision of all-round information services.Under these circumstances,traditional news communication is rapidly shifting to information dissemination.With this trend,the chain management of the media industry has been put on the agenda,and the training of journalism and communication professionals is fully integrated with information gathering,warehousing,collation,analysis and dissemination.From news theory to journalistic practice,socialist journalism with Chinese characteristics is becoming enriched and vivid.Socialist journalism with Chinese characteristics has taken shape and is thriving as well.
作者 赵振祥 王超然 ZHAO Zhen-xiang;WANG Chao-ran(School of Fashion,Xiamen University of Technology,Xiamen 361024,Fujian;School of Journalism&Communication,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期123-130,共8页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 融媒体 资讯传播 中国特色社会主义新闻学 convergence media information dissemination socialist journalism with Chinese characteristics
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