1.本文报导了新疆和田地区牦牛小肠内的一种古柏属线虫,定名为黑山古柏线虫(新种)Cooperia hranktahensis nov.sp.2.新种雄虫的特征为背叶短小,共缺口深。背肋干短,侧枝在背肋分枝的下方((3/5)—(2/3)处)发出。交合刺长0.234—0.252毫米,自共中部稍下方分出大小2枝。3.与新种较近似的种有 C.zurnabada 和 C.mcmasterl。本文作了讨论和比较,指出了文献中关于 C.zurnabada 背肋分枝情况的矛盾之处。
The specific diagnosis of Cooperia hranktahensis,sp.nov.is as follows: Body filiform.Cuticle with fine transverse striations at the slightly dilated anterior and about 14 longitudinal ridges posteriorly.Head vesicle present;cervicle and prebursal papillae absent. Mae:Body 6.8—8.1 mm long by 0.170—0.225 mm at broadest point.Bursa with two large lateral and one small dorsal lobes;the latter deeply cut in the middle.External dorsal ray arising from the base of the dorsal ray.The dorsal ray,0.117—0.144 mm in length, bifurcated into two branches at about 1/4 from the base.In the distal 3/5—2/5 of each branch,a lateral branch arising and bending ventrally.Two spicules,yellowish brown colored and similar in shape,0.234—0.252 mm in length and 0.0234—0.0324 mm in the greatest width. Each spicule divided into two branches at a distance of 0.126—0.135 mm from its proximal end;the external branch stout;the internal branch slender,0.072—0.09 mm in length.No gubernaculum.Genital cone complex in.structure. Female:Body 8.85—10.43 mm long by 0.135—0.173 mm at broadest point.Vulva 1.95— 2.70 mm to the posterior end.Anus to the end of the body 0.18—0.234 mm.Total length of ovijector and sphincter 0.3375—0.45 mm.Ova in uterus 0.09—0.099 mm long and 0.0396— 0.0450 mm in diameter. Host:Bos grunniens L. Location:Small intestine. Locality:Hetian of Uigur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang,China.