

Retrospective investigation of porcine circovirus-like virus P1 occurring in Jiangsu Province in 2016
摘要 旨在了解2016年江苏省类猪圆环病毒P1流行及毒株变异情况。运用PCR技术对江苏省9个县级市送检的330份血清进行检测,并进行全基因组测序,应用BioEdit和DNAStar对获得的P1全长基因组及ORF1与GenBank中的参考毒株进行序列比对及同源性分析,并进行系统进化树分析。共检出阳性样品43份,占总样品数的13%;9个地级市P1检出率差异显著,其中,沛县检出率最高为38.2%,其余各地0%~20%不等。选取9个县级市的代表毒株进行全基因组测序,共获得12株P1全长序列,12株毒株核苷酸同源性在99.4%~100%,ORF1核苷酸同源性在99.1%~100%;与参考毒株相比,ORF1核苷酸同源性在99.4%~100%,氨基酸同源性在99.1%~100%。研究表明,2016年江苏省各地区P1感染率差异显著,但整体感染率较高,毒株变异较小。 This study was to understand the epidemiology and strain variation of porcine circovirus-like virus P1 spreading in Jiangsu Province in 2016.A total of 330 serum samples of swine from nine counties in Jiangsu Province were detected for P1 by PCR and they underwent whole genome sequencing.Then,Bio Edit and DNAStar were used to compare the obtained full-length genome and ORF1 with Gen Bank for homology phylogenetic tree analyses.The results showed that 43(13%)of the 330 serum samples were P1 positive at the highest rate(38.2%)in Peixian County and lower rates(0%-20%)in the other counties.Whole genome sequencing of the representatives viral strains from the nine counties resulted in 12 P1 full length sequences.Analysis for genetic variations of the 12 strains showed that they were of99.4%-100%homology with the genome nucleotide and 99.1%-100%with ORF1 nucleotide,respectively.In terms of ORF1 nucleotide and amino acid sequences,99.4%-100%and 99.1%-100%similarities were found between the 12 sequences and the references sequences(Gen Bank accession number:EF514716),respectively.In conclusion,the P1 infection rates were significantly different between the nine counties of Jiangsu Province in 2016,but the overall infection rates were rather high and the strains were of small variation.
作者 盛少阳 温立斌 茅爱华 朱雪姣 李彬 任子利 何孔旺 SHENG Shaoyang;WEN Libin;MAO Aihua;ZHU Xuejiao;LI Bin;REN Zili;HE Kongwang(Institution of Veterinary Research,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing210014,China;Faculty of Animal Science,Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College,Linzhi860000,China)
出处 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2019年第3期97-100,共4页 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31272574 30972184)
关键词 类猪圆环病毒P1 序列分析 江苏 porcine circovirus-like virus P1 sequence analysis Jiangsu Province
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