目的了解宁夏甲型病毒性肝炎的流行特征变化,为制定经济有效的预防控制策略提供依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对宁夏2004-2012年甲肝报告病例流行特征进行分析。结果 2004-2012年宁夏共报告甲肝病例8254例,死亡1例。发病率在2.74/10万~39.24/10万之间,年均发病率为15.07/10万。各市均有发病,各市发病差异有统计学意义(χ2=3612.87,P<0.0001);累计报告发病数居前位的县(区)是西吉县、海原县、原州区以及彭阳县。2004-2009年有明显的秋冬季发病高峰,2010年以后无明显季节性,疫情相对平稳。发病年龄主要为0~19岁的儿童和青少年,以3~9岁发病率居高。男性高于女性。职业以学生、农民和散居儿童为主。2004-2012年甲肝突发公共卫生事件主要集中在中小学和农村地区。结论自2008年将甲肝疫苗纳入免疫计划后,宁夏甲肝发病呈逐年下降趋势,发病特征发生了变化,但儿童及青少年仍是发病的主要人群。
Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis A in Ningxia during 2004 and 2012,and to provide evidence for the development of cost-effective prevention and control strategies. Methods Cross-sectional method was used to describe and analyze the reported cases of hepatitis A in Ningxia during 2004 and 2012. Results From 2004 to 2012,a total of 8254 cases of hepatitis A cases were reported in Ningxia and 1 cases died. The annual incidence of rate was from 2. 74 /100000 to 39. 24 /100000. The annual average incidence rate was 15. 07 /100000. The cases( a total of 4637 cases) were mainly reported in some counties( districts) including Xiji,Haiyuan,Yuanzhou) and Pengyang. There was obvious peak season from 2004 to 2009. Age of onset was 0 ~ 19 years old that accounted for 66. 27% of the total cases. 3 to 9 years age group incidence rate was the highest. Male cases were significantly more than those in female, the difference. Most cases were students,farmers,and children that accounted for 86. 87%. Conclusion In Ningxia the incidence of hepatitis A declined year by year since the hepatitis A vaccine was included into the immunization program in 2008. However children and adolescents still have high incidence of hepatitis A. it is suggesting that attention should be paid to children,teenagers and rural people for reducing the incidence of hepatitis A.
Journal of Ningxia Medical University
viral hepatitis A
epidemiological characteristics