目的观察健脾补肾方(JPBSF)协同环磷酰胺对Lewis肺癌小鼠肿瘤细胞抑制作用及超微结构的影响。方法 55只C57小鼠接种Lewis肺癌细胞24h后随机分为荷瘤对照组、环磷酰胺(CTX)组、JPBSF低剂量组、CTX+JPBSF低剂量组、CTX+JPBSF高剂量组。治疗14d后,观察小鼠一般情况,完整剥离肿瘤组织称瘤重,电镜取材,观察各组肿瘤细胞超微结构的改变。结果 1 CTX+JPBSF高剂量组小鼠最活泼,出现肿块的时间最晚,瘤质量指数最低;2与荷瘤对照组比较,CTX组、JPBSF组、CTX+JPBSF低和高剂量组的瘤质量均降低(P<0.01);瘤质量指数有由高至低依次为CTX组、CTX+JPBSF低剂量组、CTX+JPBSF高剂量组(P<0.05);3电镜下观察,CTX+JPBSF高剂量组可见肿瘤细胞膜破裂,细胞核碎裂,染色质聚集。结论健脾补肾方协同化疗可有效促进肿瘤细胞的凋亡而起到抗癌作用。
Objective To observe effect of jian- pi- bu- shen- fang synergism chemotherapy on changes of ultrastructure in mice Lewis lung cancer cells by electron microscope. Methods Fifty- five C57 BL /6J mice that had been successfully established Lewis lung cancer were randomly divided into five groups: model group,CTX group,the low dose of jian- pi- bu- shen- fang group,CTX + the low dose of jian- pi- bu- shen-fang group,CTX + the high dose of jian- pi- bu- shen- fang group. After 14 days,the general situation of mice and ultrastructure of the tumor tissue were observed by electron microscope and the inhibitory rate of tumor was calculated. Results 1 Mice in CTX + the high dose of jian- pi- bu- shen- fang group showed liveliest status and smallest tumor. 2 Compared with the model group,the tumor weight of other groups reduced significantly( P < 0. 01). 3 Under the electron microscope,mice in CTX + the high dose of jian- pi-bu- shen- fang group compared with those in model group,tumor cell membrane structure was not complete,cell nuclear broke,chromation set edge. Conclusion Jian- pi- bu- shen- fang synergism chemotherapy showed an effective anti- tumor effect.
Journal of Ningxia Medical University
lewis lung carcinoma cells
electron microscope