以多杀性巴氏杆菌 (C-481 )、致病性大肠杆菌 O85、O119、O18、鸡白痢沙门氏菌等菌株制备的禽巴氏杆菌 +大肠杆菌 +鸡白痢沙门氏菌的油乳与中药灭活菌苗 ,经实验室免疫试验和中间试验证明 ,该菌苗在免疫后第 1 4天即可产生坚强的免疫力。经攻毒试验证明 ,该菌苗的保护率为 93 % ,免疫期为 9个月 ,免疫效果普遍反应良好。该菌苗在 4℃可保存 1 8个月以上 ,室温阴暗处可保存 1 0个月以上。临床证明该菌苗能有效地控制禽巴氏杆菌病、大肠杆菌病与鸡白痢在鸡群中的流行 ,可进行推广应用。
Avian Triple Oil Emusion Vaccine of P.multocida(C 481), E.coli(O 1、O 2、O 78 )and S.pullorum was made,The experiments of immunity carried out in labs and Arian breeding farm showed that the efficiency is over 93 percent and the immunity lasted for twelve months.The vaccine is valid for 18 months at 4 ℃ or over 10 months in normal temperature in dark place;It also showed that the vaccine can generate immunity quickly,prevent the Avina diseases caused by P.multocida ,E.coli and S.pullorum .Therefore,the vaccine can be widely used in Avian breeding farms.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine