[目的]了解目前上海市政府为预防与控制道路交通意外伤害颁布的有关规范道路、车辆、驾驶员及行人等相关交通政策、法规后的现状 ,并对交通事故重点人群进行交通安全知识的“知、信、行”问卷调查 ,针对薄弱环节提出政策修订意见。[方法]通过文献检索 ,人员访谈 ,座谈等方式 ,收集整理公安、卫生等部门涉及交通法规、交通事故处理、伤害人员急救及监督执法等法律、法规文件。通过问卷调查 ,了解重点人群 (中小学生、驾驶员 )的交通安全知识认知程度。[结果]本市涉及交通综合管理、驾驶员、车辆、道路环境管理及交通执法和交通伤害救治的法规文件达21件 ;18个处室部门的80位被调查者 ,对本部门、与本部门相关部门的政策知晓率100 % ,并构建了多部门合作的防护网络。在4700余份的中小学生、驾驶员问卷调查结果中涉及步行、骑自行车等交通规章行为的知晓率分别为79.2 %~82.7 % ,但随着年龄增长 ,认知与行为相关性下降。对机动车中哪些人应佩戴安全带的知晓率为72 % ;对酒后开车、疲劳开车等违反交通规章行为应受到处罚的认知正确率则高达95 %。[结论]交通法规的宣传和施行、交通安全知识认知程度不同人群中存在不平衡性。有必要进一步完善交通安全法规和加强交通法规及安全的宣传力度 。
Objective The paper is to investigate the road traffic accident prevention-related policy and to explore KAP(knowledge,attitude,practice)of safe traffic in high risk population.[Methods] By means of literature collection,visit and inter-view,the laws and regulations concerning comprehensive management,road management and first aid of traffic accident were collected from departments of police and public health,and the safe traffic questionnaire investigation was conducted on primary and high school students and drivers.[Results]Up to now,about21legislations related in Shanghai were issued to make a prevention and control of the road traffic accident,which included some policies such as road,driver's management and traffic equipment etc.The AKP inves-tigation showed that the recognition rate of passengers and bicycle riders is about79.2%~82.7%.With the age increasing,there was negative regression between knowledge and safe traffic practice.As to”who will be on safety belt in vehicle”,the recognition rate is about72%.But as to alcohol driving and fatigue driving,about95%of total drivers knowthat it should be punished.[Conclusions] the traffic safe regulation propaganda should be paid more attention,more and more population should knowhowto protect themselves on the road.Thus the road traffic accident would be prevented and controlled effectively.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine