用Monte Carlo算法对SARS病人躯干部分的三维传热过程进行了模拟。计算结果表明 ,在即将到来的夏季 ,隔离病房中SARS病人会由于发热而引起热臃塞 ,并有可能因此导致病情的恶化。本文给出了解决热臃塞问题的强化传热方案 ,并通过计算验证了此方案的有效性。
Three dimensional heat transfer of the body of SARS patient is simulated by the Monte Carlo method.The calculation results indicate that during the forthcoming summer,the heat congestion in the body of SARS patient in isolation ward would result from the fever,and may make the illness worse.An enhanced heat dissipation method is proposed to deal with this problem,and the effectiveness is verified by means of parametric computations.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
国家自然科学基金资助 ( #5 0 1760 5 3 )