目的 探讨近 2 0年心、脑血管疾病在居民死因中的比例 ,及住院病人中的构成比变化 ,为开展人群防治提供信息资料。 方法 根据《徐州市卫生统计资料汇编》中“徐州市综合医院住院病人疾病分类年表” ,按国际疾病分类 ,总结出住院病人疾病分类构成比 ;并对心血管系统各种疾病分别计算其构成比 ,同时根据徐州市卫生防疫站提供的人口死因监测资料 ,对徐州市人口死亡原因构成比进行统计分析。 结果 心血管系统疾病在疾病分类构成比中顺位从 2 0世纪 80年代初至 90年代末 ,由第六位 (7 2 3 % )上升为第二位 (13 75% ) ,住院构成比增加了 90 18%。心血管系统内各种疾病占总住院病人的构成比近 2 0年来变化 :脑血管病由 1 94%增至 6 10 % ,冠心病由 0 75%增至 2 79% ,高血压由 0 83 %增至 1 85% ,风湿性心脏病由 0 78%降至 0 54% ,作为心血管病的危险因素的糖尿病由 0 2 8%增至 1 2 5% ;高血压呈上升趋势 ,风心病呈下降趋势。在人口死因疾病构成比顺位中 :2 0年来心血管系统疾病死因仍保持在第一位 ,构成比由 3 6 41%增至 41 2 3 % ,与住院构成比变化趋势平行升高。 结论 心血管系统疾病死因顺位第一位 ,心、脑血管疾病住院和死亡构成比均明显上升 ;糖尿病与冠心病有同步递增趋势 ,为确保人民健?
Objective To investigate the changing tendency of patients classification and cardivascular disease constituate ratio in recent 20 years(1980 2000) and provide information for developing mass prevention and cure,laying down the sanitation development strategic program and reforming medical education Methods The date was drawn from the in patients’ disease classification chronicle of general hospitals in Xu Zhou The in patients’ disease classification constituent ratio was summarized according to the international disease classification Meanwhile,the population death cause constituent ratio of Xu Zhou was also analyzed Results From the beginning of 1980s to the end of 1990s,show that the cardiovascular disease classified constituate ratio was promoted from the sixth to the second(7 23% vs 13 75%),the inward constituate ratio(ICR) promoted 90 18%,cerebrovascular disease(CVD) was promoted from 1 94% to 6 10%,the net promotion ratio(NPR) was 214 4%;coronary heart disease(CHD) from 0 75% to 2 79% the NPR was 272%;the hypertension(HP) from 0 83% to 1 85% the NPR was 122 9%,Diabetes from 0 28% to 1 25%,the NPR was 343 3%,but rheumatic disease(RD) was lowered from 0 78% to 0 54%,the net lower ratio was 30 76% Based on this information,the varied disease consitituate ratio was found,the CVD was first,the CHD was second,the HP was promotion tendency,the RD was lower tendency Firstly the population death constituate ratio was cardiovascular disease(increased from 36 41% to 41 23%),Diabetes and cardiovascular disease in ICR and death constituate ratio was promotion Conclusion The first death cause was CVD,cardio cerebrovascular disease and diabetes has promotion tendency in DCR and ICR,so prevention and treatment of cardio cerebrovascular disease was good in future,the key way aimed at hypertention and diabetes
Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease