在培育规范探矿权采矿权市场的过程中 ,了解和准确把握两权市场特征 ,是贯彻执行矿权有偿使用制度、灵活运用法律法规 ,搞活两权市场、推动矿业经济向前发展的关键。两权市场特征的研究是一个非常重要的课题。本文从物权特征、市场结构特征、标的物特征和价格特征四个方面对两权市场特征做了较深入的探讨、分析。
The key for carrying out compensated use system of mining rights, flexible applying to law and regulation, making mining rights market and exploration rights market become vigorous, promoting the development of mining economy is to accurately understand the characteristics of mining rights market and exploration rights market in the establishment and regulation of the two kinds of rights market. The paper makes a deep analysis on the characteristics of exploration rights market and mining rights market from four aspects of property, market structure, object and price.
China Geology & Mining Economics