Objective: To investigate the situation of antihypertensive drugs' use and their adverse effects for elderly outpatients. Method: Information of antihypertensive drugs' use and the resulting adverse effects in 955 elderly cases with primary hypertension in outpatient department was collected by questionnaire visit and physical examination. Results: The most common drugs, which the patients would use to decrease blood pressure, were nifedipine delayed-release tablet(69.8%), nifedipine(30.8%) and metoprolol(27.5%), and then followed by indapamide, enalapril, terazosin, benazepril and captopril. Only nearly half of patients' blood pressure were under control in normal range (systolic pressure <140mmHg, dialectic pressure <90mmHg). The most common adverse effects were lower limb edema for calcium antagonists, hypokalemia for diuretics, cough for ACEI (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), bradycardia for βreceptor blockers and postural hypotension for αreceptor blockers. Conclusion: Antihypertensive drugs were not satisfactory for control of blood pressure and the adverse reactions were common in elderly outpatients.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal