目的 了解精神分裂症和常人在表象能力上是否存在不同。方法随机抽取常人144人,精神疾病患者46人,测查他们的视觉表象、听觉表象、嗅觉表象、味觉表象、运动觉表象、触觉表象、温度觉表象、痛觉表象的能力。结果测查显示,具有3种以上表象能力的,常人多于精神分裂症患者,具有2种以下表象能力的,常人少于精神分裂症患者,差异有高度显著性(X2=27.06,P=0.0006904<0.01)。测查还显示,不论是常人还是精神分裂症患者,具有某种表象能力的,在人群中只占一部分。结论视觉、听觉、运动觉、温度觉4种表象能力,精神分裂症患者低于常人;总表象能力,精神分裂症患者低于常人。
Objective To understand the differences in imaging abilities between schizophrenics and normal persons. Methods 144 normal persons and 46 schizophrenics were randomly sampled to investigate their imaging abilities of vision, auditognosis, taste, kinesthesia, touch, thermesthesia and algaesthesis. Results It was found that normal persons who had over 3 imaging abilities was more than schizophrenics, while the latter who had under 2 was more than the former, and differences were very significant (x2 =27.06,P<0.01) ;mere part of either schizophrenics or normal persons had image abilities. Conclusion Imaging abilities of the vision, auditognosis, kinesthesia and thermesthesia in schizophrenics were lower than in normal persons, so did the total image abilities.
Journal of Clinical Psychosomatic Diseases