大多数抗肿瘤药具有治疗指数低、毒性大、药动学参数个体差异大的特性 ,临床需进行治疗药物监测 ,以达到个体化给药。但治疗药物监测最基本的条件———量效关系 ,对大多数肿瘤药而言只是量毒关系 。
Most anticancer drugs have the feature of l ow ther apeutic index,high toxicity and wide inter-patient variability of pharmacokine ti c parameters,therapeutic drug monitor (TDM) is needed in individual chemothera p y of cancer. But the basic element,dose-efficacy relationship. For TDM of ant ic ancer drug is dose-toxicity relationship only,therefore TDM for improving cli nical efficacy is not practicable except for few anticancer drug.
Jiangsu Pharmacertical and Clinical Research