对珠海市椰子树林发生的椰心叶甲 ,使用 10 %氯氰菊脂、4 8%乐斯本乳剂、16 %虫线清乳剂、81%马拉松乳剂、90 %敌百虫等 5种化学杀虫剂 ,进行施药防治对比试验。结果显示 :喷施 10 %氯氰菊酯乳剂 0 .6 7ml/L与 4 8%乐斯本乳剂 1ml/L的混合液、16 %虫线清乳剂 5ml/L ,杀虫平均死亡率分别为 94 2 %和 93.8% ,降低林木受害程度的防治效果分别为 76 .81%和 78.2 6 % ,显著高于其它药剂处理的效果。
A series of comparison tests were made by using 10% Cypermethrin, 48% Lorben EC, 16% Chongxianqing EC, 81%Malathion EC and 90% Trichlorfon EC to control the coconut leaf beetle(Brontispa longissima) which damaged coconut palm in Zhuhai city. The results showed that 10% Cypermethrin 0.67 ml/L mixed with 48% Lorben 1 ml/L and 16% Chongxianqing 5 ml/L can effectively prevent and cure coconut leaf beetle and the motality of the beetle caused by the two pesticides is 94.2% and 93.8% and the treatment effect is 76.81% and 78.26% respectively. The control effect of the two pesticides is more effective than the other's.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province