
基于直觉模糊VIKOR方法的装备优选群决策模型 被引量:14

Group Decision Making Model for Weapon Selection Using Extended VIKOR Method under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment
摘要 针对属性权重完全未知且属性值为语言信息的装备优选与排序问题,提出了一种基于扩展多准则妥协解排序(VIKOR)的多属性群决策模型。该模型引入直觉模糊加权集结(IFWA)算子对所有个体的决策信息进行集成,以获取作战指挥员决策群组的直觉模糊决策矩阵。利用直觉模糊数熵权公式对评估属性进行客观赋权,通过将VIKOR法扩展到直觉模糊环境来得到待选装备的折衷可行方案。最后结合作战无人机(UCAV)空地导弹优选实例和灵敏度分析验证了该模型的有效性和稳定性,并通过与直觉模糊TOPSIS法的对比实验表明了所提出方法的优越性。 With respect to weapon system selection problem, in which attribute weights are completely unknown and attribute values are expressed with linguistic information, a multi-attribute group decision-making method based on extended VIKOR was proposed. The intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging(IFWA) operator was introduced to aggregate all the individual decision-making information in order to obtain the intuitionistic fuzzy decision matrix. The intuitionistic fuzzy entropy method was utilized to obtain the objective weights of evaluation criteria. The alternative weapon systems were ranked according to the basic concept of extended VIKOR method. A case study of air-to-ground guided missile selection problem for UCAV and a sensitivity analysis were given to verify the feasibility and stability of the proposed model. A comparative analysis with intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS method shows the superiority of the proposed method.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2169-2175,共7页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61074108 61374185)
关键词 装备优选 扩展VIKOR方法 直觉模糊加权集结算子 多属性群决策 直觉模糊熵 weapon selection extended VIKOR method intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging(IFWA) operator multi-attribute group decisionmaking intuitionistic fuzzy entropy
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