目前 ,我国硕士层次教育存在定位不明确的问题 ,而且对学位的标准往往侧重的是学术水平。随着社会和高等教育自身的发展 ,这种标准已变得有些不合时宜。研究生教育的发展和研究生培养的目标 ,应是多样化的 ,即研究生的专业结构和课程设置应同社会经济结构、职业结构、人才需求结构的发展结合起来考虑 ,而不应仅仅从纯科学探索、从学科自身发展的角度来考虑。我国的研究生培养模式已很难适应规模扩张、类型多样的研究生教育之现实 ,为此必须调整和改革。在信息科学研究人才的培养上 ,应当更加重视文理交叉、掌握知识的广博性与融通性 。
Certain problems exist in the education of M.A candidates in China, the manifest ation of which being the uncertain positioning and the degree criteria laying over-emphasis on academic level. With the progress of society and highe r education, these criteria become out-dated. The objectives of the development o f postgraduate education and the education of postgraduate students should be pl uralized. Put in other terms, the structure of academic specialty and the curric ulum set-up should be considered in conjunction with social economic structure, vocational structure, and the development of the structure of demands for specia lized personnel. Therefore, relevant adjustments and reforms are necessary.
Meitan Higher Education