住宅中 ,卫生间是其重要空间之一 ,随着人们生活水平的提高 ,住宅卫生间的功能在增多 ,面积在变大 ,卫生间的通风、采光、照明、色彩、采暖越来越被人重视。卫生间的色彩设计首先应该考虑房间大小、气候、朝向、周围色彩、人的心理感受等多种因素 ,注重整体的色彩搭配 ,另外主、次色彩要分明 ,同时应以浅淡色为主。
As an important space of the residence, the bathroom,with the rising of the people's living standards, is increasing in functions and sizes.Therefore,people are beginning to lay more emphasis on the importance of the ventilation,lighting,color design and heating of the bathroom.Such elements as sizes,climate,facing,surrounding colors,psychological feelings, etc.should first be taken into account so that the overall collation of colors can be achieved.In addition,there should be a clear distinction between the main color (usually light color) and the secondary color.