目的 :探讨合理配合与正确护理在冠状动脉内球囊成形 (PTCA)及支架置入术中的作用。方法 :冠心病病人184例经冠状动脉造影确诊后 ,根据冠状动脉血管狭窄程度行PTCA加内支架置入术 ,术中除配合操作医师完成介入手术及监护外 ,同时对病人进行心理护理 ,术后康复指导。结果 :184例病人置入1个支架者107例 (58 % ) ,2个支架者62例 (33 % ) ,3个支架者12例 (6 % ) ,4个支架者3例 (约占1 6 % ) ,手术成功率达到99 %。结论 :围手术期的合理配合与正确护理对提高PTCA的成功率 。
Objective:To research the effect of correct monitoring and nursing during the perioperative period of intracoronary stenting.Methods:184 patients of coronary heart disease were diagnosed by coronary arteriography,All patients were treated by intracoronary stenting after percutancetis transluminal coronary angioplasty under the special moritoring and psychology,physical rehabilitation nursing.Results:183 patients were treated successfully(99%) while 1 patient died.Conclusion:The proper monitoring and nursing plays an important role during the treatment of intracoronary stenting.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health