
受众的表演与想象:弹幕使用族群研究 被引量:26

The Performance and Imagination of Audience:Analysis of Barrage(overlaid comment) and User Behavior
摘要 弹幕是一种发布网络视频评论的新兴手段,以覆盖视频的即时字幕形式出现,并赋予视频文本新的意涵。本文以观展/表演范式为框架,通过网络田野观察以及深度访谈的研究方法,分析了弹幕使用族群参与弹幕生产、消费的动因及其认同。研究发现,弹幕作为一种伴随文本,改变了受众的观看习惯,促成了其从消极受众向着积极的扩散受众转变。受众通过弹幕构建了"观赏共同体"的想象,产生随时随地与同好者一同观看、互动交流的体验,甚至已成为一种"仪式"。弹幕促进了使用族群的认同与凝聚,但群体内部也出现了因年龄、知识背景差异而造成的分裂。同时,弹幕族群面临着被主流文化所规训的风险,使用者会通过强化自身后台话语等方式,继续开展其消费生产活动。 Barrage is a kind of comment function in certain video sharing sites,overlaying onto the video and generating new meaning for the video text.This paper traces effect of barrage for audiences' understanding and interpretation of video text,and concentrates on behavior of barrage user and their feeling and imagination when immersing in the virtual world.Under the theoretical framework of Spectacle/Performance Paradigm,the study finds thatanimations audiences tend to have favorable attitude towards barrage video sharing sites,and regard them as significant social platforms.Synchronizing with the media timeline,Barrage creates the atmosphere of shared watching experience with fans,or the 'Imagined Watching Community'.Through using barrage,audiences turn to ' the diffused audiences',ones that actively engage in media performances as a way of constructing their identities.Their identity as a fan is also reflected in their attachment to the social group and knowledge about the group,yet the frangibility of this virtualcommunity exists.Barrage users have already built the offstage discourse system,for resisting the discipline of main—stream culture.
作者 丁依宁
出处 《新闻春秋》 2015年第4期87-95,共9页 Journalism Evolution
关键词 弹幕 观展/表演 扩散受众 仪式 Barrage Spectacle/Performance Paradigm diffused audience ritual
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