
数字化背景下新闻媒体与消费者价值共创研究 被引量:15

Media-consumer Co-creation of values in News Media Digitalization
摘要 针对目前我国新闻媒体在数字化发展中所遇到的问题,本文运用价值共创理论,尝试构建媒体与消费者价值共创模型来作出应对,以此来实现合作共赢式内容生产与价值创造。具体而言,本文探讨在新闻内容生产、分发营销、开发创新等三个环节中如何为媒体与消费者两个价值共创主体进行角色定位,如何促进媒体与消费者的互动合作和资源整合,进而实现媒体与消费者的价值共创。 Based on the theory of value co-creation,this article tentatively builds the model of media-consumer value co-creation to deal with the problems new media are faced with in the process of digitalization.Its purpose is to develop a cooperative content production and communication,and to promote a new and win-win mode of value creation between media and consumers.Specifically,it explores how to position the respective roles of media and consumers,deepen the interaction and collaboration and enhance resource integration between them all through the segments of content production,distribution and marketing as well as development and innovation so that media and consumers can achieve their value co-creation.
作者 苏衡 严三九 SU Heng;YAN San-jiu
出处 《新闻大学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期96-108,124,共14页 Journalism Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“加快推进传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展研究”阶段性成果(14ZDA049)
关键词 数字化发展 价值共创 媒体与消费者角色 互动合作 价值共创环节 media digitalization value co-creation media-consumer role interaction and collaboration value co-creation segments
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