1Franklin D. Kramer and Lan-y Wentz, "Cyber Influence and International Security", Defense Horizons, No. 61, January 2008, p. 1.
2John Rollins & Anna C. Henning, " Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative: Legal Authorities and Policy Considerations", Congressional Research Service, 7 - 5700, 10 March 2009, http:// www. fas. org/sgp/crs/natsec/R40427, pdf, p. 4.
3Stephen W. Korns, " Cyber Operations : The New Balance" , Joint Force Quarterly,lssue 54, 3rd quarter 2009, p. 99.
4Stephen W. Korns, "Cyber Operations: The New Balance", Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 54, 3 rd quarter 2009, p. 99.
6" Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure ", http ://www. whitehouse, gov/assets/documents/Cyberspace_Policy_Review_final, pdf, p. 2.
7Defense Science Board ( DSB ), "' Defense Imperatives for the New Administration", August 2008, http ://www. acq. osd. mil/dsb/reports/2008 - 11 - Defense Imperatives. pdf, p. 3.
8Center for Strategic and International Studies, "Securing Cyberspace for the 44th Presidency : A Report of the CSIS Commission on Cybersecurity for the LMth Presidency", December 2008, http ://csis. org/ files/media/csis/pubs/081208_securingcyberspace_44, pdf, p. 11.
9"Cyberspace Policy Review: Assuring a Trusted and Resilient Information and Communications Infrastructure", pp. 1 -5.
10John Rollins & Anna C. Henning, '" Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative: Legal Authorities and Policy Considerations", 10 March 2009.