
基于多微型逆变器的并网实验研究(英文) 被引量:3

Experimental Research on Parallel Operation for Multiple Micro-inverters
摘要 本文提出了一种关于微电网的基于下垂特性的分布式协同分配方法。该方法考虑了多个逆变器并网的实验运行情况,通过两台三线逆变器的并网和孤岛运行仿真实验,证明了下垂控制以及功率准确分配的功能。微网在联网情况下能通过主网的频率自动运行并且输出高质量电能。同时,该方法也保证了负载电压以及频率的稳定性,仿真实验也证明基于下垂特性的控制器可以使得微电网在并网和孤岛两种模式下平滑的切换。 This paper proposes a co-allocation method on the grid,which is the system of the distributed collaborative architecture based on droop characters. The multiple micro inverters-based distributed generation(DG)to connect to the grid is verified. Through the three line simulation experi-ence of two inverters in the connected mode or stand-alone mode,the simulation results show the ef-fect of droop control and confirm the load-sharing function. Micro-grids in the connected mode is able to run automatically with the grid frequency and output high quality electricity and in island operation mode it can realize load power sharing of the parallel DG of micro-grids. Simultaneously,it also ensures the stability of the load voltage and frequency and the droop-based controller can make the micro-grids mesh smooth switching between the two kinds of operation mode.
作者 来金钢 周洪
出处 《新型工业化》 2014年第5期60-68,76,共10页 The Journal of New Industrialization
基金 国家重大支撑计划2013BAA01B01 国家自然科学基金面上项目61304152 国家自然科学青年基金61374064 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助~~
关键词 分布式发电 微网 微型逆变器 并网 distributed generation microgrid micro-inverters parallel operation
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