
光声成像技术在生物医学中的研究进展 被引量:7

Development of Photoacoustic Imaging Technology in Biomedical Applications
摘要 光声成像是近年来发展较快的无损检测技术,其高分辨率、高对比度的特点使其成为生物医学检测技术的主要发展方向之一。文中从光声成像系统、光声探测器和图像重建算法的角度,对光声成像技术进行了分析。在此基础上,分别结合光声计算层析成像、光声显微成像和光声内窥成像对光声成像系统进行了阐述,探讨了光声探测器在多探头、阵列式、MEMS微型化和光纤F-P腔等方面的研究进展,比较了典型图像重建算法的应用特点,并指出了基于光声技术的生物医学无损成像系统的高分辨率、大探测深度、实时性强、小型化、低成本的研究方向。 As a kind of nondestructive testing technology, photoacoustic imaging technology, which is characterized by high resolution and high contrast, has been one of the development directions in the field of biomedical technologies. From the view of photoacoustic imaging systems, photoacoustic detec-tors and image reconstruction algorithms, the photoacoustic imaging technology is analyzed in this paper. Then the current photoacoustic imaging systems are illustrated in accordance with photoacoustic com-puted tomography, photoacoustic microscopy and photoacoustic endoscopy. The research advance of pho-toacoustic detectors, relating to multi-elememnt probes, array probes, MEMS probes and diaphragm-type Fabry-Perot probes, is discussed. Also, the application characteristics of typical image reconstruction algorithms are compared. As a result, the major research orientations of the photoacoustic imaging tech-nology, including higher resolution, greater detective depth, hard real-time, miniaturization technology and low-cost design, are demonstrated in consideration of potential future applications.
出处 《新型工业化》 2014年第9期1-10,共10页 The Journal of New Industrialization
基金 国家自然科学基金(61121003) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(501LXGY2012117002)
关键词 光声成像 超声探测器 图像重建 生物医学技术 Photoacoustic imaging Ultra-acoustic detector Image reconstruction Biomedical technology
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