以信息为中心的网络(InformationCentricNetworking,ICN)架构是一个面向未来的互联网体系结构,它提供了一个更加安全,高效和可扩展的服务。命名数据网络(NamedDataNetworking,NDN)是ICN的几种具体实现方式之一,路由和转发机制是NDN网络中的核心。本文对NDN中的几种转发策略进行了全方位的分析,通过不同的指标来评估转发策略的性能,如网络时延,报文命中距离,报文重传次数等。实验使用了ndn SIM进行模拟仿真。从仿真结果中得出,选择一个单一的最优秀的转发策略是很困难的,另外,不同的转发策略的优势和劣势也受到网络环境的较大影响,反之,不同的策略也影响了NDN架构所特有的分布式缓存机制的效果。最后,本文对不同的转发策略适用的网络情况进行了分析和总结。
Information centric networks(ICN) architecture is an architecture for the future use of the Internet, it provides a more secure, efifcient and scalable service. Naming data network(NDN) is one of several concrete implementations of ICN. Routing and forwarding mechanism is the core of NDN. In this paper, we focus on analyzing the performance of several forwarding strategies of NDN through different indicators, such as network delay, packet hit distance, and the number of packet retransmissions. A ns-3 based NDN simulator, namely ndnSIM simulator was used to evaluate the performance of considered algorithms. Simulation results show that there is not a single best strategy, every strategy has its pros and cons, and which is severely affected by the network environment. In turn, the strategies affect the effectiveness of the distributed caching mechanisms typically used in the NDN architecture. In the end, we summarize the network situation that suitable for each forwarding strategy.
The Journal of New Industrialization