
一种基于势能的内容中心网络缓存决策策略 被引量:2

PECDS:Potential Energy Based Caching Decision Strategy for Content-centric Network
摘要 针对内容中心网络CCN域内缓存策略所存在的一系列问题,提出了一种基于势能的缓存决策策略PECDS.该策略将物理学中"势能"的概念应用到网络拓扑中,为其中的内容以及节点赋予相应的势能,在保证整个CCN网络性能的前提下,实现内容的分级缓存,解决了CCN默认的TERC策略所导致的缓存内容冗余问题.仿真实验证明,相比于TERC以及ProbC,PECDS有效的提高了CCN网络缓存内容的多样性,降低了网络缓存内容的冗余度,进而减少了用户请求内容的跳数,提高了网络的缓存命中率. A caching decision strategy based on potential energy is proposed to solve the problem of existing cache decision strategies in Content-Centric Network.The strategy applies the concept of'Potential Energy'to topology,and gives corresponding potential energy to the content and the nodes so that the content can be hierarchically cached,solving the redundancy caused by TERC.Simulation experiments show that compared with TERC and ProbC,PECDS effectively improves the cache content diversity,reduces the cache content redundancy,thus reducing the user requests hop,raising the cache hit ratio.
作者 张建伟 王旭辉 蔡增玉 ZHANG Jian-wei;WANG Xu-hui;CAI Zeng-yu(School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry,Zhengzhou 450002,China;School of Software Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry,Zhengzhou 450002,China)
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期966-971,共6页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61672471 61502436)资助 河南省科技攻关项目(172102210059 172102210060)资助 河南省科技创新人才计划项目(184200510010)资助
关键词 内容中心网络 缓存决策 势能 分级缓存 content-centric network cache decision potential energy hierarchical caching
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