
一种优先级与带宽需求相结合的分组调度算法 被引量:2

A packet scheduling algorithm combining priority and bandwidth requirement
摘要 优先级队列(PQ)算法虽然能够保证高优先级业务的服务质量,但低优先级业务的性能较差,整体性能不佳,公平性较低。针对这些不足,提出优先级与带宽需求相结合的调度算法(PRQ),在优先级调度的基础上,使用带宽需求对调度概率进行调整,提高低优先级业务的调度概率,进而改善其服务质量,同时改善整体性能,提高公平性。仿真结果表明,PRQ算法能够显著改善低优先级业务的性能和整体性能,公平性较PQ算法高。 Priority Queueing(PQ) guarantees that traffics with higher priorities get higher Quality of Service(QoS), whereas the performances of those with lower priorities are poor, therefore reducing the total performances and fairness. A scheduling algorithm is proposed combining Priority and bandwidth Requirement Queueing(PRQ), which adopts bandwidth requirement to modulate scheduling probabilities on the base of priority scheduling, aiming to increases the scheduling probabilities of traffics with lower priorities, to improve their QoS and the total performances, and to receive better fairness as well. The simulation results show that PRQ significantly improves the QoS of traffics with lower priorities and the total performances, beating PQ on fairness.
作者 江明 刘锋
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2015年第1期46-51,共6页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(61231013) 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(60933012) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目
关键词 分组调度 优先级 丢包率 时延 时延抖动 吞吐量 公平性 packet scheduling priority packet loss rate delay delay jitter throughput fairness
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