In this paper we study the theoretical properties of multigrid algorithm for discretization of the Poisson equation in 2D using a mortar element method under the assumption that the triangulations on every subdomain are uniform.We prove the convergence of the W-cycle with a sufficiently large number of smoothing steps.The variable V-cycle multigrid preconditioner are also available.
In this paper we study the theoretical properties of multigrid algorithm for discretization of the Poisson equation in 2D using a mortar element method under the assumption that the triangulations on every subdomain are uniform. We prove the convergence of the W-cycle with a sufficiently large number of smoothing steps. The variable V-cycle multigrid preconditioner are also available.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 10071015
multigrid, mortar finite element method, PI nonconforming element, Wcycle, variable V-cycle.