一 帝国主义长期的殖民侵略和殖民统治给非洲政治、经济、社会等各方面带来了深重的灾难。其经济后果之一是,形成了畸形的经济结构。许多国家只种植一两种或少数几种供出口的经济作物。
Colonialist aggression and rule has given innumerable disasters to Africa.One of the ensuing results has been the fact that export cash crops expelledother crops and prevailed on the land of African foreign colonies, thus forminga lopsided single economic structure there. But this phenomenon is far from an isolated event in African history. It is dominated by capitalist economiclaw and has a close tie with the economic development in whole capitalistworld. There are two patterns in the planting industry of African export cashcrops: one is the modern plantations run by European settlers who have beenencouraged to develop cash crops on a vast area of land that had earlier beenusurped by colonialist metropolitan states from oppressed African people; theother is a large part of small farms tilled by African natives who were encou-raged or even forced to plant export cash crops by colonial government withvarious measures.
West Asia and Africa