一、卡特之前美国对伊朗政策的回顾 美国同伊朗的关系始于19世纪中叶,但在第二次世界大战以前,美伊之间的交往是小规模的、带有浓厚的民间色彩。二次大战后,伊朗成为美苏争霸的一个前沿阵地,东西方之间的冷战就是从这里开始的。尽管如此,在二次大战刚结束的日子里,美国在该地区还没有把重点放在伊朗上,它对伊朗的政策仍停留在维护其主权,防止它走向“铁幕”背后的基点上。
The Reign of Pahlavi collapsed suddenly during the revolutionary stormsin 1979. The essential cause of the king's collapse was due to the intensifica-tion of internal contradictions in Iran. If, however, we set this internal fac-tor aside and turn to examine the revolution itself in the light of the poli-cies and dispositions towards Iran carried out by the Carter administration, wewould then find that its policy not only failed to save the king but made athorough split in American-Iranian relations and compelled Americans to facemuch trouble in the Persian Gulf as a result of the poor informations, sluggishreactions and confused decision-making all committed by the administration.Thus, the unsuccessful Carter administration's Iran policy was one of the ex-ternal factors that accelerated the fall of the king. Though the Carter administration's Iran policy was not succeeded, but aserious study of the relations between the US and Iran in the period of theCarter administration could help us to recognize the nature of the globally he-gemonic contention between the US and USSR, and of today's Iran policyimplemented by the Reagan administration.
West Asia and Africa