在非洲大陆备受天灾、饥馑、社会动乱和经济长期不振困扰之时,地处南部非洲的博茨瓦纳却是另一番国泰民安的景象:政局长期稳定,经济持续增长,人民生活安定。 “黑非洲成功的范例”博茨瓦纳是一个内陆小国,人口仅有94万。全国面积虽有58万平方公里,却有84%
That preserving a relative political stability for a long time and maintai-ning a tranquil and united situation in home would provide a fine domesticenvironment for economic construction and seeking international cooperationand aid represent an important element in the smooth economic growth ofBotswana. In economic construction, Botswana introduced the measures in line withher special condition and exerted her local advantages in full play, that is,she focused all efforts on cattle raising and mine exploitation, thus promotedher economy to a success. Botswana mapped out her economic growth strategies and policies thatput emphasis on fitting to her own conditions and having practical effects.It is the fundamental cause of her economic advance persistently and steadily.
West Asia and Africa