
从“政府停摆”透视美国联邦政府治理体系和治理能力 被引量:1

On Governance System and Its Capabilities of the U.S. Government from the View of “Lapse”
摘要 美国自2018年底因总统和国会之间艰难拉锯而导致的"政府停摆"事件,虽经双方多轮漫长的磋商和努力而最终基本尘埃落定,但频繁停摆背后的原因,特别是支撑政府有效治理和运行的财政体制机制亟待探讨与研究。美国在政府现代化过程中所探索并积累的实践经验,对于我国推行国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,特别是全面实施绩效预算的今天,具有一定的启发和借鉴意义。 The 'Lapse' or 'Government Shutdown' caused by bad negotiation results between Congress and President from the end of last year, has finally been solved through long and hard consultations and efforts. However, what is the back story of such frequent lapses? Who can decide whether to shutdown or not?What are the real governance system and effective mechanisms to support the U.S. Government? What is the budget process?What laws and acts does it rely on?What does the 2019 fiscal year President’s Budget look like?And what can we learn from American practices?This paper will provide a good answer to those questions.
作者 孙迎春 Sun Yingchun
出处 《行政管理改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期88-94,共7页 Administration Reform
基金 国家社科基金项目"一带一路"政策 规则 标准三位一体软联通研究(18BZZ073)
关键词 政府停摆 美国预算 联邦政府 治理体系 治理能力 Lapse President’s Budget Federal Government Governance System Governance Capacities
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