

A new opera house:combining entrepreneurship,garbage can features and windows of opportunity
摘要 本研究检视奥斯陆新歌剧院建设过程中起关键作用的决策过程。该决策最终于1999年做出,新歌剧院于2008年建成。为了分析这一决策过程,我们使用了'修改的垃圾箱模型',该模型由金登(Kingdon)提出,将工具型联盟建立过程中的政治型企业家精神与垃圾箱特征结合起来。其中胜出的联盟包括来自议会、地方政府以及地方私营企业的参与者,其胜出的原因在于成功利用了其他参与者开启的机会窗口,主要原因在于,歌剧院工程是从一个大型道路建设工程中临时拆分出来的,并成功地将奥斯陆东部内城开发的利益诉求提上了议事日程。在整个过程中,有关新歌剧院建设的文化方面的论证相对不足,使得该决策变成其他关切和利益的一个副作用或副产品。本研究只有一个单一案例,但是基于大量的公共文件、访谈和报纸文章。 This study looks at the decision-making that culminated in the building of a new opera house in Oslo.The decision was finally taken in 1999 and the new opera house was finished in 2008.To analyse the decision-making process we use a’revised garbage can model’,as presented by Kingdon,which combines the concept of political entrepreneurship through instrumental coalition-building with garbage can features.The winning coalition included actors from parliament and local government but also local private business interests,and it succeeded because it managed to capitalize on a window of opportunity opened by other actors.The main reasons for this were that the opera project was temporarily decoupled from a large road-building project and managed to bring on board interests connected to a more extensive city development in Oslo’s inner east city.The relative weakness of the cultural arguments for building an new opera house were evident during the whole process,making the decision to build it a side effect or spin-off from other concerns and interests.The study,which is a single embedded case,is based on a wide range of public documents,interviews and newspaper articles.
作者 汤姆·克里斯腾森 杨柳 杨阳 Tom Christensen(University of Oslo,Norway)
出处 《国际行政科学评论(中文版)》 2016年第2期63-79,共17页 International Review of Administrative Sciences
关键词 垃圾箱模型 工具型决策模型 歌剧院 政策主办人 修改的垃圾箱模型 机会窗口 garbage can model instrumental decision-making model opera house policy entrepreneurs revised garbage can model windows of opportunity
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