
移民融合主流化?——对融合治理新趋势的分析 被引量:1

Mainstreaming migrant integration?A critical analysis of a new trend in integration governance
摘要 学界将主流化定义为一种政策重点(从特殊性转向普遍性)或治理模式(从国家中心转向多中心)的演变。继性别、残疾人和环境领域之后,主流化开始兴起于移民融合领域,不过,学界尚对此关注不足。本文将主流化定义为移民融合政策的一种演变趋势。结合移民融合研究和其他领域的主流化研究,特别是跨文化主义研究,本文对移民融合主流化进行概念界定。之后,对融合治理的转变趋势进行实证分析,探讨丹麦、法国、德国和英国的具体政策,力图解释主流化是否真实存在。研究发现,主流化只能部分解释移民融合领域的政策演变:政策的确越来越具有普遍性,治理也在向多中心转变,但是它们并不强调建立移民多样性共识,而且受国家叙事和原生治理结构的影响更大。不过,地方政府的替代性战略表明,主流化路径可能是克服国家叙事和治理结构影响的重要途径。 In the academic literature,mainstreaming is conceptualized as a shift in policy focus(from specific to generic),as well as in governance(rom state-centric to poly-centric).Whereas mainstreaming has been applied in various areas,such as gender,disability and environment,a more recent application concerns migrant integration,which has so far been under-studied in academic circles.This article provides a critical analysis of main-streaming as a supposed'trend in migrant integration policies.It provides a conceptual discussion of what mainstreaming might mean in the feld of migrant integration in an effort connect the concept of mainstreaming as used in other fields to the literature on migrant integration,and notably the emerging concept of interculturalism.Following this,it provides an empirical analysis of shifts in integration governance and policy in Denmark,France,Germany and the UK in an effort explain whether mainstreaming,as conceptualized,is taking place.The article concludes that mainstreaming as a concept in the feld of migrant integration can only partially explain policy developments.There is,indeed,a clear trend towards more poly-centric governance and towards generic policies.However,such policies rarely involve efforts如create a generic awareness of migration-related diversity,and are often overshadowed by broader national narratives on migrant integration,and pre-existing governance structures.However,the existence of an explicit pursuit of replacement strategies at the local level suggests that main-streaming approaches may be a way of circumventing these national narratives and governance structures.
作者 彼得·斯霍尔滕 伊丽莎白·科莱特 米利卡·彼得罗维奇 李倩(译) 杨阳(校) Peter Scholten;Elizabeth Collett;Milica Petrovic(Erasmus University Rotterdam,The Netherlands;Migration Policy Institute Europe,Belgium;European Commission,formerly Migration Policy Institute Europe,Brussels)
出处 《国际行政科学评论(中文版)》 2017年第4期66-84,共19页 International Review of Administrative Sciences
关键词 主流化 移民融合 移民 多层级政府 政策制定 公共行政 mainstreaming migrant integration migration multi-level govemment policymaking public administration
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